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Embrace Fall Fashion Trends with Church Murch: Sparking God-Centered Conversations

September 17, 2023 3 min read

As the weather gets cooler and the sun goes down faster, it's time to update your wardrobe with the latest fall fashion trends. But what if your fashion choices could do more than just make you look stylish? What if they could also help you spread God's message and foster meaningful conversations within your community...

Church Murch Get's Ready with Created

March 05, 2023 1 min read

Who is Created?

Created Company's mission is to help you find your identity and purpose in the One who created you.

CREATED - "Created In His Image." We love the mission and vision in brand and we know wherever we go dressed up or dressed down, we are God's children - individually unique.

Faith-Testing Seasons

February 18, 2023 2 min read

Here’s your encouragement today: If you’re in a season where your faith is being tried, you’re uncomfortable and unsure, take heart! You were created to do hard things! And in the midst of the chaos, we turn to Jesus for peace in knowing that He will carry us through. Let this test become your testimony that encourages others to keep going!

How to Build a Look — Church Murch Style

February 12, 2023 1 min read

When styling a look, depending on the occasion you’re attending, you can find inspiration from a color palette theme, your mood for the day, or just your favorite accessories you want to pair with your fit. 

Make Heaven Crowded

February 05, 2023 2 min read

Not that you needed “evidence”, but we wouldn’t make a claim that we couldn’t back up with scripture. Enter faith-based Christian apparel. Enter Church Murch, your home for Christian clothing and accessories with a focus on what’s trending right now. 

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